Biyernes, Marso 14, 2014

Coconut Pulp market plan..


 One of my friend introduce me to a new "cuisine?" Yes! Cuisine? with question mark. Why? care to stop by and lets uncover why...

    First of all the main ingredient is "sapal ng niyog" this is a residue from coconut.. If Im not mistaken they call it coconut pulp in English.. 

    Before I resume.. This is not my recipe and Ill be discussing the market plan for this type of residue to a very delicious product?

     Now going to the topic.. We all know that the Tree of coconut is also know as Tree of Life. we know that every part of these trees are very useful from the root to the nut.. Until the very pulp..

     From a farm some coconuts would be order let say 100 pcs assuming.. Then coconut husk would be use as fire wood or can be use in garden for the ornamental plats's medium or you can make "bunot" out of it.. "Bunot" is a cleaning material to make the floor shinier.. Then coconut juice would be a great source of water that would cleanse your internal organ some people talk about it.. Coconut meat is a delicious part of the coconut.. But you can turn it to "kinayod" or grated cooconut that when you put some water and squeeze it would produce the coconut milk..

    You can see Coconut had lots of potential from the external to internal.. When you have extracted it.. Pulp is produce.. excuse me guys, but we or I'll be concentrating with the pulp... 

    After having the pulp prepare the necessary ingredients... salt, pepper, sugar, pulp, butter/oil, egg, flour and vegetables that you want. that would be the ingredient for the "Saplam".. 

     After cooking and some tasting test would be appropriate step if product is successful its better to test the edibility and salability of the product.. after testing these properties or concerns.. You may know think how to distribute this end product.. You may try to feed it to you friends and ask them for suggestions or do the free taste testing.. 

     If plan approved.. try it to sell on low price first. Then If product hits the market. take the risk or be positive if you would have the chance to improve you product and you would succeed on preparing the plan. Distribution would be on small chain of market..

Can you guess now why with question mark? If not.. Its because of coconut pulp or sapal ng niyog is just a residue and most of people think its just food for ducks.. And if ever you'll be eating it. ;)


Use fresh Pulp.

Think of the best alternative how to use every part of coconut..

Use materials wisely.

When testing start in small amount.

Connections are highly recommended. To know where and who would you sell/sold your end product..

Market or Observe.

Recommendations and Market Plan for coconut is just base on theory..

"SapLam" means Sapal Ulam



Fermented Fruit Juice is an organic fertilizer.. That nutrients component is depends or base on the fruit ingredient like. Papaya rich in Potassium that eventual would make plants and crop bloom productively.. Madre cacao though its not a fruit but its leaves are source of Nitrogen that generally for the green color of leaves and it eventual would be give color to the leaves of the crop and plants. Do you know that the green color is responsible for the trapping the sunlight that the plant would need to convert the nutrients to food and for the development. 

The process light trapping and used by the plant to make food is photosynthesis.. Photosynthesis can be done with the help of the sun but at night time if Im not mistaken its dark synthesis or they call it.. Wait I forgot what they call it. My apology cant think orderly..

Going back to the organic fertilizer.. Fermented Fruit Juice and Fermented Plant Juice.. Fruits and sugar is the key according to some expertise. 500:1000 g of fruit:sugar then mash and mix then set aside until it decompose or produce some extracts..  Then use strainer to separate pulp from extract or use clean cloth and squeeze for extracts... Then there you go your very own organic fertilizer FFJ or FPJ.. 

See more for reference.. via Google..

Note: dont put FFJ or FPJ directly to the plant. Dilute it they use spray..


Blogging is not my Thing...

     I know, I have done lots of blogs.. But after several days, weeks and hours. I therefore conclude Im not good in English, grammar is bad and blogging is not my thing but I need to blog at least 3 more before I quit.

Please bare with me.
Im sorry.

Salted Eggs

Salted egg

Things needed..

egg chicken/duck
jar with cover

     First make brine solution. 2tbsp:2 1/2 cups of water. You may use hot water to dissolve salt faster or stir it until every salt rock is dissolve. Taste the brie solution if its fine with you add water if too salty and at salt if desire.. 

    After cooling if hot water is used. Put the solution to the jar or egg first before the solution. Cover the jar and set aside to a safe place. Make sure that the jar is on a place free from detergent, insecticide and other toxic materials.. Always remember that this is a food processing..

After 15 days.. Separate the eggs from the solution and hard boil it.

Set aside and let it cool.. 

    And here you go and you have your salted egg. In our country we put color on it more on red color.. We call it "pulang itlog".

     Salted eggs is a processed food that had longer life span than ordinary eggs. And it would enhance the flavor of the egg. Obviously its salty because of the brine solution that you made and brine solution is depends on your taste and preference.

This would be great time to make one to test and taste your taste buds on a test that gonna judge what your preference..

Crazy Idea: On easter sunday Instead of chocolate eggs why dont you made salted eggs.. What the I got a crazy idea..  :P



   What is soil? Soil is a non biological factor for planting and raising of crops and animals respectively..Soil is the medium for the plant to grow. You guys may say that soil is just soil but you guys doesnt know how helpful and how productive soil can be.. Soil might be like that color that you doesnt like. But if you have the time.. care to stop by and check other reference to prove that soil is gift..

     There are three major types of soil namely loamy, sandy and clay.. These type of soil have their own specific part to the composition of earth surface..


     Loamy soil the fertile soil that can produce sufficient nutrients that crops needed to grow and produce.. Sandy this type of soil is good for aeration for good circulation beneath the soil. Clay is the sticky type of soil that has the capacity to hold water. 


     Sandy soil is good for aeration but it cant hold water that plants would need to grow.. Clay Soil it have the capacity to hold water but it cant drain water much your plant may decay or nematodes may thrive.

     Loam is good type of soil but with the help of clay it would enhance the nutrient composition.. With the help of sandy soil it can add the aeration ability of the soil. Then your loam soil would enhance its ability and capacity to the max..

3:1 loam:sand ratio

AnSc or CrSc?

Hey! I'm still here.. 

    Its all about Agriculture again.. Non-Stop Agriculture.. Like Agriculture, Agriculture, Agriculture, Agriculture, Agriculture...

     At the very moment I am a second year college in the field of agriculture.. And if ever I'll be choosing from three major branches of the program namely crop science, animal science and crop protection. Obviously, if would have the chance or if i pass the qualification examination I would like to take the branch animal science but at the same time I would like to take the branch or crop science. I like to pet animal but I dont like them to be sold to the market.. But its part of the business. to the other hand I love to plant but the botanical names and variety for each crop would kill me.. Imagine memorizing a crop and memorizing.. let say 12 varieties and memorizing them with different botanical system? it would blast my mind to the next level. I may not catch my sleep by that time.. 

     While animal science it would be difficult for me to compute lots of feed formulations.. You guys already know that I hat computations very much.. dont you.. Like what I have said earlier. Animal science is the art and knowledge of raising and reproducing animals for income and food source of humanity. These animals that been manipulated by human are called the domestic animals.. Its depends on the farm or the scientific farmer what he or she would like to do to his own area.. 

     am.. you are asking me why not Crop protection? Oh.. dear.. bacterium, pathogens, viruses and disease is not field.. If crop science gonna blow my mind... Crop protection would be the start of my senescence.. I know its difficult to studies those word from this branch its more or less full of scientific name.. Personal I find it some what funny studying this course or subject its like that your enchanting on someone when you are saying or memorizing those name.. Like Xanthomonas.. If I spelled it right? Erwinia... Sorry if i offend you but its so hilarious!! XD every time that Im studying.. I fell asleep always when Im holding or even reading the handouts of this course.. It like Im reading a bed time story to some one.. But some how its kinda interesting "If" you truly understand what you are reading.. 

AnSc or CrSc?

Subjects/Courses in the Field of Agriculture

Im still here.. :)

Subjects or Course that I have taken from the Program Agriculture..


     This Course's aim is to teach or enhance our skills in the field.. It introduced some basic information about "crop science" how the biological and non-biological factors affects the crop from germination to senescence.. It would enhance the skills of the students on theoretical but more on "scientific".


     This Course's aim is to teach or enhance the skills of the students in the field. Basically, from the root word animal you would know that the course is all about animals. From External to Internal structure.. 


     This Course objective is to enhance the skills of the students to learn and to appreciate soil more than ever, how would this particles would affect both animals and crops. And what nutrients would soil be needing to promote the crops and animals.


     This Course would introduce the basic and other information about Agriculture.. From basic to very detailed terms or knowledge that the student would be needing for the whole Education, even in the field. It would be very helpful..


     This Course objective is to establish to the mind of every student how to protect the crops from insect, pest, bacteria, fungus and viruses..

This Course comes on different levels depends on the year level..


     I am not so sure if its all counts until "99" But "AgSci99", I have already taken that course its all about Practicum.. I love Practicum.. ;)

You know what? This Course its kinda difficult in Lecture time but I assure you its Fun Fun when laboratory comes.. It would boost your MentalPower and Physical Power.. ;)